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Blue Merle Female

  New Puppy's List

Best Puppy Food for French Bulldogs


Feeding - We ensure that our puppies are given the best start in life by feeding them Royal Canin Small Puppy Dry Dog Food.                                                     It is highly recommended that you continue this consistent diet to make the transition to their new home easier and prevent any digestive issues. French Bulldogs have sensitive digestive systems, so it's crucial to maintain their diet. If you plan to switch your puppy's food or diet, consider using food with a smaller kibble size and adding probiotics like Purina FortiFlora Probiotic Dog Supplement to help keep your puppy's stomach settled during the transition. Probiotics also help stabilize your puppy's digestive system during environmental changes.


Crate - We highly recommend using a well-ventilated wire-sided crate that can be adjusted as your puppy grows. Crate training is essential for housebreaking your puppy and providing them with their own personal space, much like a wolf with a den. A positive experience with the crate as a puppy will help them love it as an adult.


Safe Chew Toys - Our favorite chew toys for French Bulldogs are deer antlers, Kongs, Wubbas, Tire Track Tires, Hollee Roller Balls, Sphericon Rubber Toys, Nyla Bones, and Gumma Bones. Always supervise your puppy when playing with stuffed-type toys and avoid toys with small pieces and parts as Frenchies can easily choke on them. Rawhides are dangerous and should never be given to your Frenchie.


Leash and Collar - For walking, we recommend using a harness to support your puppy's neck and chest.


Potty Training - We start introducing our puppies to potty training and housebreaking at 4 weeks old. After each meal, take your puppy to an outdoor designated area to potty, using positive reinforcement and patience until they make the connection.


Food and Water Bowls - Stainless steel bowls are the safest choice for your puppy's food and water as they don't break or chip and don't cause allergic reactions or chin acne like plastic bowls.


Dog Gates - Consider using small doorway or stairway gates to block off certain rooms or dangerous areas such as staircases. This can help restrict your puppy to safe and protected areas of your home to avoid accidents.

Dog Bedding - We recommend having two sets of bedding to rotate between washes. Use a combination of flannel blankets, padded beds, and towels to ensure your puppy's comfort.


Shampoo - Use Fresh-n-Clean shampoo to maintain your puppy's healthy, soft skin/coat and fresh scent.


Holding and Handling - French Bulldog puppies tend to jump and leap, so it's crucial to place 1 or 2 fingers between the chest area while holding them in the palm of your hand. Be cautious when placing your puppy on the couch, tables, or counter to prevent any injuries.


Water Safety - Always supervise your Frenchie near water as they can't swim for long periods. They can tread water but only for a brief time. If you want your puppy to play in the water, use a baby play pool with 2-4 inches of water.


Weather Considerations - French Bulldogs have difficulty breathing during hot and humid weather and are susceptible to heat exhaustion due to their thick undercoat. Avoid taking them on long hikes and provide short brisk walks instead.


Find a Veterinarian - It's crucial to locate a veterinarian who specializes in French Bulldog care as they have specific needs, and certain medications should not be administered.


"No" Items - Avoid giving your Frenchie rawhides, cooked real bones, and chewy edible treats. Opt for 100% deer antlers instead. Avoid thin latex rubbery toys as they can easily be chewed into pieces and pose a choking hazard.

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